Services for Schools
Learn North West Education

"17% increase
in SATs Reading Results"
Providing bespoke support and education solutions for schools
Many schools seek our tailored support in English, Maths, SATs, GCSEs, general catch-up programmes, and both short and long-term supply options. In Trafford, many schools also rely on us for assistance with the 11+ Entrance Exams. What sets us apart from other providers is our unique approach. Led by partners with extensive senior leadership experience in schools, our team collaborates closely with a pool of qualified, vetted teachers to deliver bespoke solutions tailored to your school’s specific needs and budget. We prioritise building strong, collaborative relationships with our partner schools, ensuring we fully understand and can adapt to meet their unique requirements.
What support do we offer?
Our support services are meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of each school. Typically, we provide intervention or tuition for pupils, alongside comprehensive training and development opportunities for staff through CPD, coaching, and SLE engagements. We offer both ongoing and ad-hoc support based on your school's requirements and objectives.
Our team includes Primary and Secondary Specialists, Partners with extensive experience in leadership roles such as Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Head of Department, Curriculum Leads, examiners, ASTs, and SLEs. Their expertise allows us to assist schools in achieving a wide range of educational goals.
Our subject specialists deliver a diverse range of support services, including:
- Year 5 and Year 6 intervention programmes for more able learners
- Dedicated teaching support for "bulge classes," focusing on core subjects for small groups of Year 5 and 6 students
- English language proficiency support for EAL students
- Preparation guidance for Year 5 students preparing for the Trafford 11+ Entrance Exams
- GCSE revision and tuition programmes within schools
- Targeted interventions for students identified as falling behind
- Support for staff and students striving to achieve Greater Depth in writing
- Tailored writing workshops
- CPD and training sessions covering reading, writing, and maths for staff
- Subject-specific enhancement initiatives
- Middle leader support and coaching
- Coaching and mentoring programmes for staff and students
- Delivering curriculum objectives for students attending Alternative Provision settings in English and Maths
Since 2019, we have successfully implemented these programmes in schools across various regions, delivering effective support through focused interventions and professional development opportunities. Our efforts have garnered excellent feedback and demonstrated significant positive impact on student outcomes.
Recent Feedback from Schools:
“You have been the best intervention and support our students have received. You have helped the department throughout a turbulent time and our staff have learned so much from you.”
Secondary Headteacher, Salford following completion of Maths SLE support and regular student interventions (2024).
“We have worked in partnership with tutors from Learn North West for the last few years.
In that time, they have been an asset to us: supporting varied interventions as well as providing a more permanent role within our year six team.
With a wide skill set and ample teaching experience, staff are able to support in all subject areas, ranging from one to one catch up support or small group intervention, to 11+ intervention and greater depths maths and writing workshops. As well as providing cover across the curriculum areas.
In our school, the children have grown to see the staff as a key individuals who help them - they have certainly had an impact on their learning and school memories.
Since the staff support in different areas at different times of the week, they are extremely flexible, with the ability to plan independently for their groups or deliver what we ask of them.”
SLT at Trafford Primary School following 5 years of support (2019-2024).
“You have been brilliant throughout all of the time that you have been with us. Both in supporting the students and helping improve the knowledge of the staff. All of the staff and students speak really highly of you and really appreciate the sessions that you run with them. You will be a real loss to the department.”
Assistant Headteacher, Manchester Secondary School following completion of Maths SLE support and regular student interventions (2024).
“It has been fantastic working with Learn NW. Their staff are experienced, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. They are able to offer a fantastic range of resources and expertise and we would highly recommend them!”
SLT at a Manchester Secondary School on behalf of the work we offer across the cluster of schools (2024).

and refreshing view..."
"increased level of challenge with a wider range of strategies"
"We recently commissioned Maria to deliver training on raising the standards in the classroom for our Primary Schools across the Local Authority. Maria’s training was really was inspiring and thought provoking - I couldn’t stop thinking about it afterwards! Feedback from our schools was really positive - lots about changing mindsets and moving forwards."
Local Authority School Effectiveness Officer and Ofsted Inspector, 2019
"Enthusiastic and knowledgeable delivery – Maria and Stephen made me feel very comfortable to contribute."
Assistant Headteacher, 2018
"A thought-provoking training session with lots of ideas that challenged my expectations and gave me time to think and process."
Assistant Headteacher, 2018
"Excellent training on Teaching to the Top. I will recommend this course and speaker to anyone who wants to provide high standards in their school."
Vice Principal, 2018
"Maria’s training was fantastic, motivating and gave a refreshing view on teaching all children, irrespective of their abilities. Sometimes we get so focused on data and labels that we forget that children have wings to fly often above the ceilings that we give them."
Year 6 Teacher, 2018
"A really thought-provoking session with lots of useful discussion points which made me question my practice. A great mix of information, tasks and videos in the delivery. Thank you for such an informative and enjoyable day - it has given me lots of food for thought."
Deputy Head Teacher, 2018
“Maria and Stephen’s training has been excellent in developing my thoughts and planning for my lessons – how to target and challenge all pupils and show progression. I have learnt a lot and enjoyed seeing different subject teachers and the processes and tasks that they have used. I have taken ideas from others and put them into my own planning/lessons to improve the learning of my pupils”
Secondary School PE teacher.
“I feel I have a clearer understanding of what ‘outstanding’ looks like and how to be ‘outstanding’ myself as a result”
Assistant Head and Year 6 teacher.
“The course gave opportunities for the sharing of good practice and enabled a dialogue between colleagues to take place about outstanding teaching and learning. Maria and Stephen challenged our thinking, built confidence and created an atmosphere conducive to learning. I will be linking my learning to the ‘looking for learning’ ethos in my school and embedding the ideas into staff development. As a result, I have developed in confidence and inspired others.”
Year 2 teacher.
“I really enjoyed the course and feel that my practice has improved as a result. The sessions enabled us to share ideas which I have implemented in the classroom and seen pupils’ achievement and attainment improve. It has challenged my thinking and helped me to see I how can get pupils to challenge each other. I have implemented a much wider range of strategies in my lessons that have improved engagement, increased the level of challenge and allowed pupils to progress more. Thank you.”
Secondary School Science Teacher.
"Maria has been working at St Matthew’s with our Year 6 pupils with the objective of challenging the more able readers to reach greater depth. Even in one afternoon a week Maria was quick to establish a rapport with the pupils through her positive comments and enthusiasm for reading. The pupils were always eager to work with Maria, even those pupils who ‘didn’t enjoy reading!’ Each week Maria was punctual and well prepared for every session: using reading materials which the pupils would enjoy yet be challenged by the content. Not only did Maria take an interest in their reading progress throughout the week in school through analysing answers in tests, but also their work in English – often asking to read their most recent pieces of writing. Maria did not see her work as insular but as part of the ongoing process of developing individual pupils: communicating well with both myself and my colleague. Having the opportunity to team teach with Maria and learn from her was a valuable experience and I will transfer the skills I have learnt from her into the classroom. The impact of Maria’s work has been reflected in test scores and attitudes to learning. The pupils are knowledgeable readers and have developed skills needed to demonstrate a mastery for reading. It is without a doubt that we will be asking Maria to return next year."
Primary School Headteacher